christine erwinski

christine erwinski

Professional Life Coach

christine erwinski

Professional Life Coach

Happiness is an inside jobis an INSIDE job!

True happiness begins with love of the self. So many individuals walk through the world with little awareness of the importance of self love. In today’s world, we often turn to external sources to create our happiness, which we eventually find, does not exist. As a certified life coach and intuitive counselor, my goal is to help clients of all ages build their happiness from the inside out, helping them to develop and foster an authentic and lasting love for themselves, and the world around them.

Transformational Life Coaching
Adolescent & Teen Life Coaching
Intuitive Counseling
Spiritual Advising and Mentorship
Energy Healing

Transformational Life Coaching
Adolescent & Teen Life Coaching
Intuitive Counseling
Spiritual Advising and Mentorship
Energy Healing

In-person, Virtual, Private or Group sessions available

In-person, Virtual, Private or Group sessions available

Christine Erwinski, M. Ed.

Christine Erwinski is a Certified Transformational Life Coach, Certified Teen Wisdom™ Life Coach, Intuitive Counselor, Spiritual Advisor and Energy Practitioner. She has professionally trained in a variety of coaching and counseling modalities, both conventionally and spiritually based. As a highly effective, modern-day alternative to therapy, Christine’s unique style of practice combines aspects of traditional counseling and intuitive based coaching, in a warm, safe and supportive environment. Her intuitive and energy healing abilities allow her to tap deeply into the mind, body and soul of her clients, aiding them in the development of greater self-awareness, self-love, empowerment, healing, and transformation. 

Sessions with Christine provide soulful guidance, inspiring support, and effective tools and strategies to assist and empower individuals as they navigate through the daily challenges of their lives. She highlights areas of concern and helps clients obtain a clearer understanding of themselves, the path in which they are on, and the important role that they play in the creation of their life. Christine’s approach helps adults and teens increase self-confidence, overcome barriers, manage stressors, decrease anxiety, heal from trauma, accomplish goals and more. By identifying and building upon each individual’s unique strengths and values, Christine takes clients through a journey of self-discovery to awaken and unlock their limitless potential and create a more balanced, joyful and fulfilling life. Christine believes that when our mind, body and spirit all work together harmoniously, we find greater well-being in all areas of our life.

Teen counseling

The Guiding Light Intuitive Life Coaching Inc., was created by Christine Erwinski to guide you, inspire you, and enlighten you. The office is located in the beautiful, serene Holistic Center for Soulful Living in Smithtown, New York. Christine is a Certified Transformational Life Coach, a Certified Teen Wisdom Life™ Coach, Intuitive Counselor and Energy Practitioner.

Schedule a brief inquiry call and take the first step toward a more empowered you!

11 + 13 =

Teen counseling

The Guiding Light Intuitive Life Coaching Inc., was created by Christine Erwinski to guide you, inspire you, and enlighten you. The office is located in the beautiful, serene Holistic Center for Soulful Living in Smithtown, New York. Christine is a Certified Transformational Life Coach, a Certified Teen Wisdom™ Life Coach, Intuitive Counselor and Energy Practitioner.

Take the first step towards a more EMPOWERED you!

8 + 7 =

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(516) 312-2680 (call or text)

The Guiding Light Intuitive Coaching

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Call Me: (516) 312-2680 (call or text)

The Guiding Light Intuitive Coaching

Copyright © 2023 The Guiding Light Intuitive Coaching Inc. | All Rights Reserved